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1. J. S. Samadani, T.-H. Lee, B.-J. Jang, Y. H. Jang, J.-S. Yu*, S. Shanmugam*, Heterostructured titanium oxynitride-manganese cobalt oxide nanorods as high-performance electrode materials for supercapacitor applications, ACS Appl. Mater & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 54524.
2. G. B. Darband*, M. Aliofkhazraei*, H. Suyeon, S. Shanmugam*, Pulse electrodeposition of superhydrophilic and binder free Ni-Fe-P nanostructure as highly active and durable electrocatalyst for both hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions, ACS Appl. Mater & Interfaces, 12 (2020) 53719.
3. O. Zaitceva, B. Louis,* V. Beneteau, P. Pale, S. Shanmugam, E. I. Evstigneyev, A. V. Vasiliev, Post-modified FAU zeolites as efficient catalysts for the synthesis of coumarins, Catal. Today, (2020)
4. S. Hyun, A. Saejio, S. Shanmugam*, Palladium nanoparticles deposited on Co(OH)2 nanoplatelets as a bifunctional electrocatalyst and their application in Zn-air and Li-O2 batteries, Nanoscale, 12 (2020) 17858-17869.
5. S. I. Hossain, M. A. Aziz, S. Shanmugam*, Ultra-high ion-selective and durable Nafion-NdZr composite layer membrane for all-vanadium redox flow batteries, ACS Sustainable Chem & Eng,. 8 (2020) 1998-2007.
6. A. Sivanantham, P. Ganesan, A. Vinu, S. Shanmugam*, Surface activation and reconstruction of non-oxide-based catalyst through in-situ electrochemical tuning for oxygen evolution reactions in alkaline media, ACS Catal. 10 (2020) 463-493. (Review), I.F. 12.22
7. M. A. Aziz, S. I. Hossain, S. Shanmugam*, Hierarchical oxygen rich-carbon nanorods: efficient and durable electrode for all-vanadium redox flow batteries, J. Power Sources, 445 (2020) 227329.
8. S. Hyun, B. Son, H. Kim, J. Sanetuntikul*, S. Shanmugam*, The synergistic effect of nickel cobalt sulfide nanoflakes and sulfur-doped porous carbonaceous nanostructure as a bifunctional electrocatalyst for enhanced rechargeable Li-O2 batteries, Appl. Catal. B, 263 (2020) 118283. I. F. 14.229
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