AEML welcomes a new member!
Ms. Sifathul Jannah and Mr. Donggun Ku have joined our group. We warmly welcome them and wish them good luck on their stay !!
AEML welcomes a new member!
Ms. Minji Kim has joined our group. She is interested in designing Zn-Fe Battery. We warmly welcome her and wish her good luck on her stay in DGIST!!
Best wishes to Yuyeon for the accepted manuscript in ACS Applied Energy Materials on electrochemical nitric oxide reduction to ammonia on the COF based electrocatalyst.

Best wishes to Sridhar for the accepted manuscript in JMCA on electrochemical nitric oxide reduction to ammonia on an MEA electrolyzer.

AEML's new journal front cover on EES Catalysis!!!
We are thrilled to share that our recently published review on NOx electroreduction (NORR) to ammonia in EES Catalysis has been chosen for the front cover!!!
Kudos to Dr. Harish, Yuyeon, Dinesh, and Sridhar for their efforts on this work!
Here is the link:
Kindly check out the link to see our work!!

AEML welcomes a new member!
Ms. Seoyoung Jang has joined our group. She is interested in designing of efficient electrocatalysts for the electro-synthesis of value-added chemicals. We warmly welcome her and wish her good luck on her stay !!
Congratulations, Mr. Hyunshik Oh and Ms. Yaerin Lee, for their graduation!
Congratulations to Hyunshik and Yaerin for successfully graduating with a master's in energy Science and Engineering! During their stay, Hyunshik published an article in ACS Applied Material& Interfaces, and Yaerin's article is under communication.
Kudos to both of you..!

Congratulations Champion- Yuyeon Song !
We are pleased to share that our lab member Yuyeon Song has won the 2nd DGIST-ESE's Table-Tennis Tournament with thrilling final game !!!

AEML welcome a new member!
Dr Velu Duraisamy has joined our group. We warmly welcome him and wish him good luck on his stay !!
Best wishes to Dinesh for the accepted manuscript in ACS Catalysis on electrochemical nitric oxide reduction to ammonia.

Cerium-Based Perovskite Mixed Metal Oxide as the Radical Scavenger for PEM Fuel Cells Operating under Low Humidity Conditions. This article is published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Congratulation to Hynsik Oh!

The first review article on electrocatalytic ammonia synthesis from nitric oxide has been published by AEML. Kudos to the team Dr. Harish, Dinesh, and Sridhar for the review on "Recent Advances in Electrocatalytic NOx Reduction into Ammonia" in the EES Catalysis journal.
Congratulations to AEML's Sridhar, Gikunoo, and Hyeon-Jin for successfully completing the masters' program. Wish you all success in all of your future endeavors.
Hearty congratulations to AEML's Redox Flow Battery team for the new publication in the Journal of Power Sources entitled "Synthesis and characterization of highly durable hydrocarbon-based composite membrane for zinc-bromine redox flow battery." Kudos to Gikunoo, Dabin and Dr. Vinothkannan!
AEML welcome a new member!
Dr Harish Reddy Inta has joined our group. We warmly welcome him and wish him good luck on his stay !!
AEML is happy to announce that our Prof. Sangaraju Shanmugam is ranked First in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering in DGIST by the latest AD Scientific Index 2023. Heartfelt Congratulations Professor.
Some Key Points:
1. The Energy Engineering’s best Scientist (#1) in the institution.
2. Placed 2nd among the scientists from DGIST in the field of Engineering and Technology.
3. In the field of Energy Engineering, he secured 13th (South Korea), 73rd (Asia), and 130th (World) ranks.
A zwitterionic composite membrane for a high-performance zinc/bromine flowless battery. This communication is published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Congratulation to Dabin and Gikunoo!

Electrochemical Reduction of Nitric Oxide with 1.7% Solar-to-Ammonia Efficiency Over Nanostructured Core-Shell Catalyst at Low Overpotentials. This paper is published in Advanced Science. Kudos to Sridhar and Dr.Tamilselvan!

We are happy to announce that Hyunsik Oh and Yuyeon Song won the first prize in the mixed-double Table Tennis tournament conducted by our department!
Winners Oh and Song with AEML group members!

Active material crossover suppression with bi-ionic transportability by an amphoteric membrane for Zinc-Bromine redox flow battery. This work published in the Journal of Power Sources.

Nickel nanoparticles wrapped in N-doped carbon nanostructures for efficient electrochemical reduction of NO to NH3. This work published in Journal of Materials Chemistry A.

AEML welcome new members!
Dinesh and Song joined our group. We warmly welcome and wish them good luck on their stay !!
RuFe Alloy Nanoparticle-Supported Mesoporous Carbon: Efficient Bifunctional Catalyst for Li-O2 and Zn–Air Batteries. This work published in ACS Catalysis.

Accelerated N2 reduction kinetics in hybrid interfaces of NbTiO4 and nitrogen-doped carbon nanorod via synergistic electronic coupling effect. This work published in Applied Catalysis B: Environmental.

Congratulations David Kumar and Maxwell Tsipoaka on successfully completing their Masters degree examination.

During his Master's course, David worked on a polymer membrane for the vanadium redox flow battery and the design of an electrocatalyst for room temperature nitrogen reduction to ammonia. His main research theme is based on the conversion of atmospheric pollutant gases to value-added chemicals. During this tenure, he published two papers in Applied Catalysis: B Environmental, and also he received the best poster presentation award in KECS 2021. He got a Ph.D. in Texas A&M, USA. We wish him all the best for his future career.

During Masters course, Maxwell worked on composite polymer membrane for the low humidity fuel cell applications. He published 3 papers in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering and Journal of Power Sources and also he presented posters in 7th DGIST- Waseda Workshop on Electrochemsitry- 2019 and KECS- 2021. We wish him all the best for his future career.
Our recent research work based on Electrocatalytic synthesis of Ammonia from Nitrogen published in Applied Catalysis B has been widely covered in several News Articles
Our recent research work published in ACS Sustainable Energy & Engineering has been widely covered in several News Articles
Congratulations Dr. Md. Abdul Aziz and Dr. Jitendra Samadani successfully defending their Ph.D. thesis Viva-voice examination.

During the Ph.D. course, Dr. Md. Abdul Aziz has mostly focused on the developing ultrahigh ion-selective composite polymer electrolyte membranes for redox flow batteries. During the study, he has published several SCI papers in high-impact journals including the Journal of Materials Chemistry A and patent (collaboration with HYUNDAI NGV). He also achieved the Excellent Researcher Awards in the Department of Energy Science and Engineering, DGIST, South Korea. We wish him all the best for his future career.

During the Ph.D. course, Mr. Jitendra Samdani has explored the one-dimensional material for electrochemical energy storage applications. During the study, he has published 8 SCI papers in high impact journals including ACS Applied Materials Interfaces. We wish him all the best for his future endeavors.
Suyeon Hyun successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis Viva-voce examination. Congratulations !
Dr. Suyeon Hyun.

During the Ph.D. course, Suyeon Hyun has developed non-precious cathode electrocatalysts for metal-air batteries. During the study, she has published 8 SCI papers in high impact journals including Applied Catalysis B: Environmental and 1 book chapter. She also achieved the best student award from DGIST. We wish her all the best for her future career.
Our research work on the development of cost-effective air cathode for Li-O2 rechargeable battery was broadcasted in the KBS News 9'.
Arumugam Sivanantham successfully defended his Ph.D thesis Viva voce examination. Congratulations
Dr. Sivanantham.

During the Ph.D course, Mr. Arumugam Sivanantham has developed efficient and ultra-durable electrode materials based Earth abundant metals and metals chalcogenides for the alkaline water electrolyzer. During the study, he has published 10 SCI papers in high impact journals including Advanced Energy Materials, Advanced Functional Materials etc., and filed 2 patents. He won the prestige DGIST-Presidential Fellowship and excellent researcher awards from the Department and DGIST. We wish him all the best for his future endeavors.
Our recent paper in Advanced Energy Materials has been widely covered in several Newspapers
2018-03-16 16:47:04
AEML student won "2017 DGIST Best Dissertation award. Congratulations Dr. Ganesan Pandian
2018-02-10 15:00:13

Arumugam Sivanantham won DGIST's Presidential Fellowship. Congratulations.
2017-03-20 17:46:45
Our work on development of efficient bifunctional catalysts for water splitting has been selected as Frontispiece in Advanced Functional Materials
2016-08-01 19:22:37

Our research work on the development of efficient electrodes for solar-light assisted water splitting has been widely covered in several news papers
2016-05-02 08:59:49§ion=sc1§ion2=%B1%B3%20%20%C0%B0
Dr. Jakkid Sanetuntikul
2016-02-11 17:00:53
We AEML are happy to announce that Dr. Jakkid Sanetuntikul Ph.D thesis was selected as "DGIST Best Dissertation Award" for the year 2015. Dr. Jakkid has published 12 SCI papers in high impact journals (ACS Catalysis, ChemCommun, J. Mater. Chem. A and Nanoscale).
We AEML members Congratulate him for the excellent achievement.